I will begin the commentary in Part II with the introduction after commenting on the dedication and preface in Part I.
§1 What is a Programme
“People used to say: What is wholesome for a Russian is death to a German.' It would, in fact, be more accurate to say:
What is wholesome for a worker is death to a landowner or capitalist.'”
Bukharin has again used the language of violence. He is expressing his utter contempt for capitalists. He would rather see the death of landowners than the German soldiers of World War I. Rather than a national enemy he is highlighting a class enemy. Members of the working class should wage war just as nations do. This is a callous view of humanity. Again Bukharin has shown there can be no compromise or compassion. If you are not an oppressed worker society will be better off with your death.
“There are some who say : 'Oh, well, we shall get along somehow; why bother? We shall go on living as our fathers have always lived.' Such persons never achieve anything, and do not even understand their own interests.”
If you want to live as your fathers lived you are a fool. If you can’t see that you are a victim you are a fool. There can be no continuance of traditional values. It is not enough to be content with your life if you are a wage laborer. Owning your your small plot of land is no accomplishment.
“Of course the class as a whole does not enter the party, which is composed of the best and most energetic members of the class; thus those who enter the party lead the rest.”
Even within the class there is a hierarchy. Not everyone is good enough to be a member of the party. Selective membership in the party is an interesting concept. Party leadership should be limited but party membership should be available to all. This concept shows that the party is used as a coercive tool to ensure compliance. Only the elite or those who are obedient can be granted membership in the party.
Party membership brings about certain privileges that are not available for those outside of the party. This sounds very similar to ESG scores or social credit scores. Only the compliant are rewarded. Party leadership is exempt from any rules, party members are given perks, and non party members are enemies.
§3. Why was it necessary to draw up a new programme?
“The primary aim of the working class is the realization of the communist order.”
I hope in later chapters the communist order is explicitly outlined.
§4. The meaning of our programme?
“Without knowledge of the programme no one can be a genuine communist bolshevik. Every intelligent Russian worker and poor peasant ought to become acquainted with the programme of our party. Every non-Russian proletarian ought to study it, that he may profit by the experience of the Russian revolution.”
There is no redemption for the capitalist. The workers and the peasants can and need to learn and be educated to best profit from the revolution. If you fall outside of the preferred class however you are beyond redemption. An ideology that doesn’t allow for redemption will probably be a violent one.
§5. The scientific character of our programme programme
“Marx taught us another way. He examined the evil, unjust, barbaric social order which still prevails throughout the world, and studied its structure.”
Education is important to Bukharin as he points out that Marx studied and taught. This combined with his earlier exhortation to study the communist party platform stresses the importance he places on education.
Bukharin views a pre-communistic society as evil, unjust, and barbaric. He also appears to be a utilitarian. If communism will put an end to the evil barbarity in the current world order then the number of people killed will justify those actions.
“capitalism is digging its own grave”
Bukharin has already seen the successful revolution of 1917 and the Tzar and his family have already been executed. If a backwards Russia could achieve a successful revolution it must only be a matter of time before other nations also throw off the yoke of capitalism. When people are able to see the socialist utopia and contrast it with the exploitative nature of capitalism it is only a matter of time before capitalism is destroyed by its own doing.
“Once we grasp that there will be no return of the old system and that the victory of the workers is assured, we shall have full strength and confidence as we carry on the struggle on behalf of the new social order of the workers.
Knowing that victory will be achieved gives the workers incentive to continue in the struggle for a new social order. Struggle plays a prominent role as much sacrifice is required to remake the world. Bukharin dedicated this book to the martyrs of the cause and in the introduction he continues to exhort his followers to carry on in the struggle.