Today’s Op-Ed reaction comes from the article:
California’s Armenian diaspora sees another genocide happening in homeland published on September 23 written BY MARK GERAGOS AND SEVAG TATEOSIAN
I selected this article primarily because I don’t think it is an issue that has received a lot of attention. Fresno, California has a large Armenian diaspora so it makes sense that the Fresno Bee would run an opinion article regarding Azerbaijan and Armenia.
The authors start by making reference to the Armenian genocide that started in 1915 and then quickly compare that to the events of the last 10 months including the blockade of the Lachin Cooridor.
The authors also point out the financial aid Ukraine and Azerbaijan have received from the United States while noting that Armenia has not received aid.
The authors also outline the authoritarian nature of the Azerbaijani government. Finally they conclude that the Armenian diaspora watches “In horror but are determined never again.”
In general I think it is important to bring awareness to situations where violence is used to oppress people. It also highlights the dangers of autonomous regions within countries.